/manager/Index en-au 5 Evidence for different types of errors being associated with different types of post-error changes /manager/Repository/uon:46718 response speed and evidence quality, which result in different types of post-error changes. We explore these differences in types of errors and post-error changes in two recognition memory experiments with speed versus accuracy emphasis conditions that differentially produce response-speed and evidence-quality errors. Under conditions that give rise to more response-speed errors, we find evidence of traditional post-error slowing. Under conditions that give rise to evidence-quality errors, we find evidence of post-error speeding. We propose a broadening of theories of cognitive control to encompass maladaptive as well as adaptive strategies, and discuss implications for the use of post-error changes to measure cognitive control.]]> Tue 29 Nov 2022 11:06:26 AEDT ]]> Parents’ Decision Making During Their Child’s Asthma Attack: Qualitative Systematic Review /manager/Repository/uon:44829 Thu 27 Oct 2022 10:15:38 AEDT ]]>